Why employ a professional cleaning service?               

You may ask yourself, "Why do I need a professional cleaning service?" First off why do we even need cleaning? I mean doesn't it just seem to be a grand waste of money for something that is just going to get dirty again tomorrow? Well just imagine what your home would be like if you never emptied your trash can or imagine how you would feel going into your doctor's office and seeing dirty door handles and a messy front office with finger prints all over. Having a clean office is not an issue about status and it is not merely an issue of appearance either but rather it is an issue of health and hygience. It is well known fact that an unclean environment breeds disease. I always say, "a clean environment is a healthy and happy environment" and when I am happy I am more productive!
So why do I need a professional cleaning service when I can do it myself or in-house?" and that is a valid question that needs to be answered. My response is manifold. firstly, do you want to do it yourself or relegate that responsibility to an employee? It's quite possible that the answer is "yes" but take into consideration that a whole slew of secondary issues arise such as the purchase of cleaning products and tools, storage for the supplies, the additional work hours, the liability, and the learning curve of an untrained employee. Granted that janitorial work is not rocket science but there is a lot of different chemicals used which need to be understood. Does the employee know about chemical interactions? how about where to and not to apply cleaning solutions? Do they understand OSHA requirements? Do they know about contact cleaning points? and the list goes on..... Another issue about hiring a service is purely economical. On the surface it would seem that hiring an outside service would cost more than doing it in-house but studies have shown this assumption to be false when considering all the costs. Consider how much it costs to have an employee? An employee costs a lot more than the hourly wage paid. Does that employee receive benefits such as health insurance, paid time-off, etc? How much time does your business pay for the management of that employee?  The way I see it I can do my own taxes or have a professional CPA do it for me correctly.  By the way, Her name is Jaime and she is at Accounting Angels.  She is a Professional Tax Preparer.  Call her at 1(928) 505-5594

By having a professional cleaning service a business avoids all of the issues associated with maintaining a clean environment. There are no employees to manage or supervise, no need to order supplies, no ongoing training or education, no insurances to maintain and if there is ever an issue the janitorial service is but a phone call away.

Truly great leaders delegate.

How to choose a cleaning service

It can be a bit tricky in choosing a cleaning service since anyone with a rag can call themselves a cleaner but with a few simple steps you should be able to weed out the unprofessionals. Cleaning, in itself is not a difficult task but finding a quality service can be but with the following steps in mind you should be able to find what you are looking for. first off, decide what you need in a cleaning service. Do you need an in-depth daily cleaning or someone to stop by monthly? do you want added services in the contract such as regular carpet cleaning or on an 'as needed' basis? How much can I really afford for such service? As with many trades I find that you get what you pay for. With these questions in mind you will be better able to know what you are looking for.
Next, how do you find a professional cleaning service? There are many avenues for finding a cleaning service but how do you know who is going to be reliable and offer a quality service? first lets look at the avenues. There are advertisements all over for cleaning services such as the local newspaper, the yellow pages, flyers, the internet, coupon books, billboards, business cards, word of mouth etc., but who to trust? Make a list and go through it systematically. call the service up to find out if they offer what you need. Also while you have them on the phone find out if they are licensed,insured, and bonded. If so keep them on your list. If not, mark them off. Our goal here is to shrink down the list to become manageable. I recommend calling the local Chamber of Commerce for references for a reliable service. There are other avenues also such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and don't forget word of mouth. Ask other people and businesses which service they use and if they are happy with the service provided.
With the list narrowed down its time to call them back for an estimate. At this point it is simply an issue of number crunching. What services do I want and how much am i willing to pay versuses what the provider is willing to offer me for the price.

So in summary,
1) Know what you want
2) Make a list of cleaners (yellow pages, newpaper, Word of Mouth, internet, etc)
3) Shorten list by comparing services and credentials (Licensed, insured, and bonded?)
4) Get advise from others/businesses
5) Get an estimate in person
6) Make your final decision
7) And enjoy a clean and healthy environment